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How to choose Wooden office desk chair in the office furniture market?

February 10,2025


Recently, many customers have inquired about buying a Wooden office desk chair. The most common problem is quality. Many consumers just listen to us, but do not understand it at all. As a consumer, how to choose real high-quality modern office furniture?

1. Observe the pros and cons of wood:

Open the doors and drawers of modern Wooden office desk chairs to observe whether the wood is dry, white, and whether the texture is tight and delicate; inferior materials such as inferior wood or yellow heart wood are not only yellowish brown in color, but also very soft.


Wooden office desk chair wholesale

2. Observe whether the wood is defective or not:

Check whether the furniture material is defective or not. The main stress-bearing part of modern office furniture is the vertical frame, and the load-bearing horizontal bars connecting the vertical columns near the ground should not have large knots, cracks and cracks.


3. Observe the strength of the board surface:

The strength of the wooden office desk chair board can be pressed with your fingers to feel the fastness of the board and test the strength of the board. The surface material should be fixed with a well-shaped skeleton. If the skeleton is sparse, it will feel empty and unreal when the surface is pressed, and the panel will vibrate greatly. The bottom of the drawer can be pressed by hand to test the strength.


Wooden office desk chair custom

4. Precise size and correct shape:

Carefully check whether the drawer or door frame is inclined, whether there is a skewed eye position of the tenon or the tenon is too large and the tenon is not strict due to the level of craftsmanship.

Ekintop Custom office furniture manufacturer has always been attentive to tailor the office space environment that meets their own needs for the majority of enterprises.

If you have any questions about custom Wooden office desk chair or need to buy it, you can contact us.

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