February 10,2025
While you may find that many people prefer to sit in a chair with arms, there are many who will choose to sit in an armless chair. Armless office chairs have many advantages that office chairs with arms do not have, which makes them a great alternative to your office chair.
Probably the biggest advantage of buying an armless office chair compared to a chair with arms is the price discount you will receive. Armless chairs are always cheaper than chairs with arms, as the cost of adding a set of arms to a chair will always result in a higher price.
For people on a budget, equipping your office with armless chairs instead of armchairs is a viable option because it will end up saving you hundreds of dollars in the long run.
This is because pressure is applied repeatedly throughout the life of the chair. Chair arms are one of the first parts of an office chair to break. Sometimes the process of receiving new parts can take up to several weeks, starting with a request to the manufacturer.
If you are hesitant to purchase a chair without arms for the first time, rest assured that most chairs allow you the flexibility to remove the arms at your convenience at a later date. Most office chairs purchased through internet dealers come unassembled, and you can decide if you want armrests during the assembly process.
If you do choose to install armrests and find later that you prefer to sit in an armless office chair, the armrests can be easily removed, providing you with maximum flexibility. The only situation where it is not possible to remove the armrests on an office chair is when the armrests are part of the structure and overall design of the chair. Sitting in an armless office chair does take some time to get used to, and it can take up to a month to get fully used to it.
Whether you are considering purchasing an armless office chair because of price, convenience, space saving, flexibility or for ergonomic purposes, there is very little risk associated with the purchase and many benefits to be gained.